index street children.. street children's theater

more about the process of 'nana de la calle' (lullaby of the streets)


2005-2007.. 2008.. 2009




Christmas with workshops for children and adolescents from the street organized by Generación in one of Limas downtown parks


03 October
I am back from a month with the kids and adolescents from the street. We started to work with those living under the bridges at Puente Nuevo. On 29 September we performed 'nana de la calle' in San Bartolo, south of Lima, where the little ones attend school.


01 September
Tomorrow I am leaving for Lima to go on working with the kids.


26 June
Pepe Toro only staid working with Generación up until the beginning of June. The kids and adolescents are going on with their theater and for the first time they performed their 'nana de la calle' for an audience of 350 students, on their own, with success. Applause!


13 May
Since more than a month Pepe Toro is anew regularly working with the kids, at the house in San Bartolo, south of Lima, and downtown Lima. Sometimes Yolver Rodrígues accompanies him when working downtown.


21 April
The kids get prepared for another presentation for schools. As a matter of fact, the applause their public uses to break into finally makes them dying for presentations.


14 April
After two years of absence, Pepe, the musician I initiated this theater with, is back with the kids. During those two years, he writes, the kids have have improved incredebly, they have incorporated their lullaby and are using it as a tool managing it themselves; and that he cannot but support them in relying on and developing their talents their way. They are keen on mastering what is offered to them. This mastery makes them strong, self-confident and humble...
His report makes me happy.



27 January
On 27 January the kids presented their lullaby of the streets 'nana de la calle' at the house of the youth of Surquillo, Lima.



Veronica was murdered. A year ago she attended to Generación. For some time she had been in prostitution; she wanted to get off the streets. Generación, lacking houses, was unable to offer her shelter. One week later her tiny body was found in a hotel room, strangled by one of the men she had been forced to have sex with.
Not for Sale is collecting the money to set up an emergency shelter Lima, for those of the streets in utter need. It will be called 'Veronica's House' (Casa Veronica).


In December the kids went on playing for highschool students.


2 November
Dear Sabine:
I am writing because I believe it important to share with you the joy we felt today performing, in a miraculous way, at the school 'Naciones Unidas' in San Juan de Miraflores (Lima). The theater was packed. Students even had to stand, all seats being occupied. I think that 300 of them had a seat and 50 more were standing. The performance was terrific. They (the street children) managed to call the students' attention for 100 percent. The adolescents captured the message in a fabulous way. Rapson was better than ever before, Jorge Luis was brilliant and Mijat, Emerson and Flor talked with the students passing them a message of life, which would have made you crying with joy. Afterwards, with all the actors, 30, we had chicken, they really earned it.
The teachers congratulated us as to them the message was very instructive.


27 October
I am back from Lima.

Toño Tarnawiecki and I, helped by Emerson, Tatan, Flor and Mijat, former street children, worked three times a week with the kids and youngsters living in the streets of downtown Lima in 'el parque de la exposción' and three times a week with the kids of the house of Generación, south of Lima. The seventh day we unified the parts of both groups.

Added is the second rapsong of Edson about living in the streets (la vida de la calle), and from now on, introduced by Emerson, the part about working in the streets is for the kids and youngsters living in the streets of downtown Lima.


24 September
Helped with EUR 2000,- by the foudation 'Kringloop DE SPULLEWAARD', Zaltbommel, the place I live, we are now able to start the above mentioned campaign.


From 7 till 31 May I have been in Lima. Together with the stage director Ismael Contreras and the musician Toño Tarnawiecki we took up preparations for an intended campaign through the secondary schools of Lima: performing 'nana de la calle', followed by discussions between street children (better is to talk about children and adolescents from the street) and students. We hope to start the campaign this fall.


In May 2008, Ismael Contreras and I went on with the Peruvian musician Toño Tarnawiecki, with whom I worked together in 2002 stimulating the creativity of artisans, on a project of SENATI in Lima.



In 2005 and 2006, I worked together with the Peruvian musician Pepe Toro and his brother, the actor Onasis Toro.


In september/october 2007, I worked together with the Peruvian actor and stage director Ismael Contreras, the Columbian musician Luis Andrés Sendoyer and the Peruvian musician and former streetkid Yolver Rodriguez.
In 2000, Yolver for the first time sang for me, only for me, one of his own songs he earned money with during his six-year living in the streets before entering the 'family' of Generación. This time he not only participated in the play, as he did already last year, but assisted me as well. It was a pleasure working with him.
We started to integrate the kids and youngsters permanently living in the streets.
The presentation took place on 27.10.2007 at the Derrama Magisterial, Jesús María, Lima.


There is a spanish and a german version of the theater (2005), the basical rap text (2005) and the libretto we use since 2006 for the opera.



index street children.. street children's theater