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Bruno Schulz - Sabine Vess: images of an encounter

In 1971, I chanced upon the literature of the Polish Jewish writer and graphic artist Bruno Schulz. On the second page I knew for certain that I would draw this world and that I would need the etching and its print to penetrate the material. After an incubation of seven years I set about. Hundreds of drawings, about 300 etchings, some portraits of Schulz and texts tell of this journey and the process I lived through.
Asked by my Warsaw friends in 1981, just half-way, to tell about what Schulz meant to me, I wrote my article Bruno Schulz - Sabine Vess: eine Konfrontation.
From September 1983 to April 1984, 80 of my Schulz-etchings went on tour in Poland. They were shown in Utrecht and Brussels, as well. On occasion of the exhibition in Brussels, in April 1985, Rouve Hauser wrote his article L'art d'enfer. I was and am grateful to him.
In 1987 'Leonardo' published my note 'Art as a link between past and future' on the matter.
What I experienced throughout those years led to found the Bruno Schulz Institute in Utrecht, in February 1989.
In January 2012, in Israel, asked to tell about Bruno Schulz when introducing myself to the members of the study-tour 'Two Nations and Three Religions in Israel and Palestine' of the Galilee Institute, I gave an insight into my encounter with Bruno Schulz and the consequences for my work and life Art, a means of deepening our understanding of vital social and political processes.

both series and the portraits on the website:

the portraits first series second series

both series and the portraits in four videos on youtube:

.. 1/1 .. 1/2 .. 2/1 .. 2/2

18 January 2014, within the scope of the exhibition shameless m/f at TAC Eindhoven, I talked about Bruno Schulz and his birds (in dutch). the performance can be seen on youtube:

.. the birds (de vogels) performed by Sabine Vess