.. how it started
.. the workshops; an insight
.. palpable results
.. alphabetization of the creative talent
.. a basic structure for an academy for rural artisans/
una estructura básica para una academia para artesanos campesinos
.. cartilla: estimular la creatividad
.. guía gráfica: elaborar y jugar con imágenes
san miguel de pallaques, cajamarca, perú
.. report of my first peru project in contamana in 1998
Findings of a three years' project
for Andean weavers of the IPACE/SENATI ('Institute of Audiovisual Pedagogics in Enterprise Trainings' of the 'National Service of Industrial Formation') in Lima, I assisted in (1999-2002):
Activating the artisans' talents, encouraging them in observing, in playing with their images, freely as well as within the limits of their techniques, is not only improving the attraction of their goods, but is likely to enable them to enter and influence new fields of application, in course of time, as well.
Artisans from among themselves will have to be trained in activating their companions.