homepage.. index gallery.. index street children.. report on theater with street children (german)

room/sala I.1 - drawing and painting street children / dibuchar y pintar a niños de la calle 2004/5

>>> room/sala I.2 - 2005/6

In 1988, working on my own theater at the Institute of theater research in Amsterdam, I came across photographs of street children in latin America and Amsterdam and had to draw and paint them, not knowing that, one day, I would do theater with them. To better get to know the kids of Generación before working with them, I started to draw and paint them and will continue doing so. / En 1988, desarrollando mi propio teatro en el Instituto de investigación teatral en Amsterdam, ví fotos de niños de la calle en América Latina y Amsterdam y tuve que dibujar y pintar a ellos, no sabiendo que un día trabajara con ellos. Para familiarizarme profundamente con los chicos de Generación antes de de hacer teatro con ellos, en 2004 comencé dibujando y pintando a ellos y sigo haciédolo.

homepage.. index gallery.. index street children.. report on theater with street children (german)